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Lenten Campaign Week 5: Finding holiness in the common good

Posted on Lenten Campaign Week 5: Finding holiness in the common good

The common good is a principle of the Catholic Social Teaching (CST) and is described as the sum total of social conditions which allow people, either as groups or as individuals, to reach their fulfillment. It guides people on how they ought to live with each other. It underscores the centrality of the human person as the primary locus of every human endeavour, and places higher goals in human interaction. Pope Francis in his Encyclical on “Our Common Home”, Laudato Si, has set out in very detailed form the responsibility as Christians and as humans to take care of our mother Earth. He has specifically urged all humanity, to take up the responsibility of preserving and improving on the legacy of our planet that we have received. Rapid climate changes are a threat to millions of households that
depend on subsistence farming and livestock keeping. Human activities such as deforestation, pollution and logging, irresponsible mining and use of mineral resources, continue to deplete the life-sustaining treasures of our common home. Our common home is our common good to which we have a moral duty to promote. As we address the issue of Rebuilding Our Nation Through Inclusive and Accountable Governance, let us do it in the spirit of Lent, which is a
time of prayer, fasting and alms giving. I wish you a spirit-filled and fruitful Lenten season.
